Dr Frank Weakly Reader, 3.29.2019
Octopus Edition
Hello, good morning, and welcome to the Dr Frank Weakly Reader, Octopus Edition. Let’s do that again with more excitement: hello, good morning, and welcome to the Dr Frank Weakly Reader, Octopus Edition!
It’s the Octopus edition because tonight is the show featuring me, Kepi, Kevin Seconds, and Dan Janisch at the Octopus Literary Salon in Oakland. I have joked about how the address wasn’t on the flier (below), but it’s actually rather challenging to figure out the address when you don’t already know it. Seems like it should be right at the top of the webpage, but it’s not. Must be some hipster conceit like the restaurants that don’t have a sign with their name on it or any indication that they’re even restaurants and you just have to already know, somehow. Anyway, I’m in, if you want to do it that way. Just get off at the 19th St. BART station, listen for strumming and crooning, and follow it to your destination, wherever that may lead. And if it leads to me, Kevin, Kepi, or Dan, you’ll know you’ve reached the right place. But if you want to do it the old fashioned way, the address is: 2101 Webster Street at 22nd. Full details here.
The show begins precisely at 8PM and ends precisely at 10 because there’s another show to follow, but that’s two solid hours of songs. See you there, maybe?
— Dr Frank Kepi Dan Janisch Kevin Seconds live at the Octopus Literary Salon, Oakland. March 29, tonight, like I said. I’ve been practicing a bit and will play some new, some old, and some new old I’ve tried to re-learn. Should be a good time, you should come.
— Dr Frank Live at the Court Tavern: boxes continue to arrive, and it’s gratifying to have so many satisfied customers. Thanks, folks. Greg got #2. Lauren, quite appropriately, got #1. Jay got #27. Here’s a nice tribute to this release and Sounds Rad from Josh the Vegan (#15). I got one too.
This and other product may be found here, if you want in. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, here’s the deep background.
— Minor Secrets Revealed, the Mr T Experience and Dr Frank Part 13 (down with Facebook edition): aggregating recent Songs for Odin™ and their “minor secrets” plus some extra, plus some kvetching about social media skullduggery and an update on the best way to follow all this stuff in a world that doesn’t seem to want you to follow it. The post is on Medium.
— Lauren Banjo — “Everybody Knows You’re Crying”. Our friend Banjo doing a sweet ass cover of this Yesterday Rules song, on YouTube, for Wodnesdæg. And here are the “minor secrets”.
— Heather got herself a swell new guitar, and plays “Now that You Are Gone” on it. (That’s a facebook video link — you may or may not be able to see it depending on your permissions and credentials and what-not. That’s just the world we live in.)
— Seen on twitter: sometimes, two albums is all you need;
— …and your Friday morning “I Feel for You,” an outstanding rendition by Michael Giddings, on YouTube. Living Room Rock!
(And, just by way of a “minor secret” here: this song came about because once upon a time long ago Kevin Army misread the sloppily-written lyric sheet for the song “I Fell for You” as “I Feel for You.” Even after he knew the real title, he would often say “I Feel for You” instead, either out of force of habit or as a kind of joke at my expense. Well, I know a good double entendre when I see one and it was only a matter of time before “I Feel for You” became a song in its own right, which it did a few years later on the Alcatraz album. Feel me?)
— Yes, I’m in both armies (KISS and Crimpshrine.)
— Sounds Rad pins: the latest. I’m collecting them too, but it appears I’m missing the MTX Starship one. Chris, can you help?
— A boy and his guitar: ruminations on the vagaries of my ’57 Les Paul Junior, and some “minor secrets” of “I Feel Love” and its role therein.
— I signed some Andromeda Kleins for Sounds Rad recently, including: inside; outside.
— Floria Magnifico: just saluting one of my favorite minds people.
— Appreciating Girlschool on the minds.com Vinyl Collector group. Don’t drink too much, yeah right. Related: Kelly Johnson, poll winner — tight trousers.
— Good morning world: Sonic’s Rendezvous Band — “City Slang”; some guy playing the accordion — “Yesterday”.
— Looky here: cosmically aware; McGinnis, hero; Vampirella meets the Demon, by Roberto Castro; Annunciation boots; in which Gabe Kaplan invents a new peace sign; let’s start a cult; a hoodwink in marble; diving belles; she’s evil; Bouguereau’s Abduction of Psyche; Soo Soo en bat.
— Department of Not Safe (for work): the Ladybirds, the world’s first all-girl topless band; hello Medusa.
— Uri Geller tells Theresa May he will stop Brexit telepathically. It’s over.
— How twitter disintegrates the soul, in four screenshots.
— In which I complain, briefly, about YouTube’s role in the War on Chronological order.
— If it’s true, the truth behind the fuzzy stuff on the soles of new Converse All-Stars.
— How they’re gonna fake the Mars landing, probably.
— Scott Walker died. Our loss, Heaven’s gain.